Well here I am. Ready to begin my blogging experience. While I am surely no Shakespeare, Steinbeck, or even Dr. Suess, I will do my best to relate the emotions, struggles, and victories that I experience as a Seminary Student. A special note of thanks goes out to my wife and two children for their support in this blogging effort and in pursuing what God has for me. Thanks for your time and love in this endeavor.
Now on to the Blog title....I know you must be wondering what is the deal with "Making Things Grow"? Well it is two-fold. First, it relates to what I do for a living (for now). I am a parks supervisor and turfgrass manager. So making things grow is pretty much what I do. And secondly, it refers to my life verse,
1 Corinthians 3:7- "So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow." It is my desire that whether I am growing grass or growing His church, that He alone will get the glory. I know and believe that this verse is true. I am nothing, but God through His Son, Jesus the Messiah, is the one who can and will "make things grow". I only have to plant or water or whatever else the Lord asks me to do.
Don't get me wrong, more often than not, I despise what I am doing for a living. In fact, most of the time I do, but I also believe that He has a better life awaiting me here and in Heaven. All He is asking me to do is plant or water. Nothing more. Nothing less. I can't make them grow. He can. Planting and watering are in fact dirty menial jobs. And unless you are at a high-profile nursery, ballfield, or golf course, you are rarely recognized for this work. And similarly in the ministry, planting and watering are thankless jobs. Menial, dirty, tiresome. But He asks us to do it. Not because He is lazy and doesn't want to do the work, but He wants us to be co-workers(co-laborers) with Him. Ultimately bringing Him and His Son glory and honor, reaping the harvest of souls for His Kingdom.
Let me end by saying this: I make things look better, greener, healthier, faster ball rolls, improve wear tolerance, and the list goes on and on. I can teach the Word of Truth, I can lead prayers, I can disciple people, etc....But, I can't make any of these things happen with out Him leading the way. He truly is the only one who "Makes Things Grow", whether it be plants, animals, or people.
So join me in this grand task. If He is calling you to plant, do it! If He is calling you to water, do it! And then stand back and watch what He harvests. To Him be the Glory both now and forever! Amen!